In reality, this is just the list of books I read last year. I picked up/tried to read at least 3 times what is on this list, but if I don't want to devour the book in the first 10 pages, I give it back to the library, don't buy it, put it down... My time is too precious to stick it out... unless... I hear several times from others that it is a worthwhile read once I get through the first 50 pages. In that case, I will skip the first 50 pages and go back to read them once I'm into it.
Anyway, we'll start with what I read in the fiction realm:
Sarah Dessen. I read only quick-reads by Sarah Dessen this year. When I needed an escape-read that was quick and fun, I read What Happened to Goodbye?, Along for the Ride, and Lock and Key. I like Sarah Dessen for feel-good reads. They're cute. They're fun. They do the trick. I will read more of her books for fun feel-good reads in the future.
We all know I'm more of a non-fiction girl, so here's the real list:
Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl-- This was probably my least-favorite read of the year, though it was still an incredibly fascinating and wonderful book. I honestly don't read a full book unless I fall in love. For reals. This one was just a challenging (in various ways) read. Viktor Frankl is an amazing human being. I still can't get over how much he endured. For the 1% of you who have never heard of this book, it is the story of a Jewish psychologist who survived Auschwitz and other concentration camps in Nazi Germany during WWII. My take away: We are capable of so much more than we believe possible. We can endure more than we think we can, and having a creative, unique purpose in life is essential to happiness, persistence, and survival.
Everything You Ever Wanted by Jillian Lauren-- I don't remember whether it was my Aunt Kimmy or Aunt Phyllis who always said, "There are a whole lotta ways to live a life." And this is kind of what this book was for me. Jillian Lauren's life is fascinating, different, unique... Her life is so opposite of mine, yet exactly the same. Basically, she had dreams. They came true, and they are more beautiful, difficult, challenging, and painful than she ever imagined. I LOVE the way she tells her story, and I love the patience she learns to have with herself.
No More Dragons by Jim Burgen-- This was written by my pastor. He's great. He's got his issues. (Don't we all?) But he is funny, on-point, and addresses the real stuff head-on. I love the way that he tells is story authentically including his exploration of drugs, his family's struggle with bi-polar depression, and bad religion.
Quitter by Jon Acuff-- I wish I remembered more about this book, but I got it from the library, and now I don't remember much about it except that I liked it, and it was helpful. (How's that for a book review?)
Peanut Butter and Naan by Jennifer Hillman-Magnuson-- I LOVED this book. It was funny and interesting, and it took me on a journey to India that I most likely won't take in person. Again, "There are a whole lotta ways to live a life," and this reminded me that we don't have to live in a safe little community with our 3 kids in Colorado to have a good life. We could go live anywhere, and our kids would adjust... and so would we.
7 by Jen Hatmaker-- This is definitely a Rethink-the-way-you-do-life-book. JHat and her husband eat just 7 foods for one month, wear just 7 articles of clothing the next... They remove 7 areas of excess from their lives in an experiment and learn important things. My takeaway: We have too much crap. We can live more beautifully and simply if we are intentional.
Ketchup is a Vegetable (and Other Lies Moms Tell Themselves)by Robin O'Bryant-- This one is super funny and so true to my life. This book came in the mail for me randomly from a favorite cousin-in-law, and I just adore her for introducing me to Robin O'Bryant. If you're a mom, read this one!
Rising Strong by Brene Brown-- Brene Brown is the bomb diggity. Everyone needs to read Daring Greatly and Rising Strong. This woman knows her stuff, plus she's funny and a great storyteller. My favorite takeaway is using the phrase, "The story I'm making up in my head is____" when in an argument or emotionally-charged situation can completely diffuse the situation and create proper communication.
Start by Jon Acuff-- This is my favorite Jon Acuff book. I read this in the very first part of 2015, and it started my year off with a lesson in overcoming fear. I didn't realize how much fear I had in my life, but this book helped me realize how to overcome it. I am the if-I-can't-do-it-perfectly-the-first-time-I-won't-even-try type of person, and this book gave me a nudge towards becoming a I'll-screw-it-up-but-I'm-going-to-try-anyway person. This is a great book for creatives, and those who are "stuck."
For the Love by Jen Hatmaker-- This is my favorite book of the year. I'll just quote myself since I got to write a review that went into the first few pages of her book... squeee!!!
"Read this book, but not in public... unless you are okay with being the only one laughing out loud in a silent room or ugly crying at chapter 11 while other people pretend not to stare. If you are okay with those things, then you should totally read this book in public. Otherwise, I recommend good coffee, comfy jammies, and a locked door."
Scary Close by Donald Miller-- This is my other favorite book of the year. Donald Miller has graciously invited us to come along on his spiritual journey for the last 15 years or so. I have read all of the books he invited me into, and it has been such a fun ride. I feel like this was an arrival of sorts for Don. He grew up. He got married. He realized so many things about himself. He helped me figure out why things are so hard and amazing at the same time. He made me more brave. He helped me be a better storyteller. He's my favorite. And this might be my favorite of my favorites of his.
And there you have it. Those are the books I read in 2015. I'll give you a rundown of what I think I'll be reading in 2016 soon!